Thursday 2 October 2014

25 facts about me TAG

What is your middle name?: Ruth
What was favourite subject at school?: Food technology
What is your favourite drink?: Pina Colada, but on a day to day water!
What is your favourite song at the moment?: Play with Fire by Vance Joy
What is your favourite food?: Raspberries or pineapple... or strawberries
What is the last thing you bought?: A hard back book! Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella (will review in due course)
Favourite book of all time?: Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers was my favourite of the trilogy
Favourite Colour?: Yellow
Do you have any pets?: Sadly not
Favourite Perfume?: Dolce by D&G
Favourite Holiday?: South Australia, an amazing trip!
Are you married?: Yes, have a wonderful hubby!
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: Yes, I live in the UK so often venture out, Europe, America, Australia, Hong Kong, Dominican Republic. I'm a lucky girl!
Do you speak any other language?: Touch of German
How many siblings do you have?: One older sister
What is your favourite shop?: House of Fraser (cheat I know!
Favourite restaurant?: Wagamamas
When was the last time you cried?: At the weekend watching Sons of Anarchy ;-(
Favourite Blog?: At the moment Media Marmalade - grown up, well thought out content
Favourite Movie?: Bridget Jones
Favourite TV show?: Sons of Anarchy, it is quite disturbing but I'm fascinated! 
PC or Mac?: Mac
What phone do you have?: HTC One in Gold, I love!
How tall are you?: 5'9"
Can you cook?: Yes! Although I prefer to bake!

Wednesday 1 October 2014

What to do when you are flying solo?

I thought I'd write a quick post about how to entertain yourself when you are home alone. My hubby works away during the week giving me lots of time to myself. He's been working away for a year now and to start with I didn't do a whole lot. Time just escaped me and when it came to his 'home time' I would be reflecting on the week thinking about how little I'd done. So I made a decision to try and make the most of being on my own, rather than wallowing in solitude, below are a few things I have been up to:

1) Signed up to a photography course. 
I've loved photography all my life and invested some inheritance money in a Canon 7D and two lenses. This was a 10 week course, 3 hours a week, and the homework occupied other evenings in my schedule. I'd hoped to meet new friends that I would keep in touch with but it didn't quite work out like that. I will definitely sign up to another course in the future though!

2) Met up with friends
A good chin wag goes a long way on a night, having social interactions makes me happy and I used the time midweek to catch up with girlfriends. A cheeky wine on a Wednesday is welcome in my eyes!

3) Got value for money from Netflix
Reclusive option, but let's face it, as much as social interactions with pals are ace it is also lovely to sometimes just sit and watch a few episodes of Dexter or watch a classic like Overboard for a little hilarity. 

4) Bathed!!
LUSH is one of my favourite stores simply because I now have time on my hands that means I can indulge in a gorgeous bubble bath without any pressures to emerge from the tub prematurely. I really recommend having an indulgent night to make you feel relaxed and ready for a good nights sleep.

5) Exercised
Now I wish I could say I have taken the opportunity to run, but I can't tell fibs. I have however been out and about walking to stretch my legs and breathe in the fresh air of living in a rural village. I will be ramping my walks up to a job soon as I train for a 10k run, I will let you know how I get on!

6) Waltzed around to my parents house
Like any self respecting 30 year old I take myself off to my folks house for tea (that's an evening meal for those non-northerners!). A delicious meal, good company and usually a food package to take home with me... what's not to love about this entertainment option??

How do you like to spend time when you have an evening to yourself?